back to black

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

i've thought many a time in the past that i should just go ahead and paint my bedroom walls black. i mean, i tried to get the darkest carpet known to man already in my basement, but thought i should go a little bit more safe and stay within the color family of the light greys. but now that i see this wall so gosh darn pretty, it's making me rethink literally everything when it comes to redecorating. and p.s. could that framed photo be cooler? uh, don't think so.  pic: dos family

armed to the teeth

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

so guys, i'm pretty super giddy. and you may find my reasoning a bit silly, but i just finished my teeth. see, i had silver fillings galore and braces in the 12th grade (still don't know what i was thinking to this day) and once they came off, i sort of just accepted that i had a silver mouth. until late last year when i decided no more and started to fill those silver fillings galore. and now i am proud to say i have an entirely tooth-colored mouth again. yay! so to celebrate, i bought myself a waterpik + electric toothbrush yesterday on cyber monday; now i'm armed to the teeth. photo: visual optimism                   

just another cyber monday

Monday, November 28, 2016

truer words have never been spoken, my dears. but please oh please, let me calm all your cyber monday fears. see that teeny tiny link in the upper left of my bloggity blog and site titled 'shop?' yup? good. you should click on it to see that all my hats so vintage-y are on sale! eee! 20% off to be exact and really, who wouldn't like that? but if that's not enough for you, i've got more too. i do. you like vintage dresses and/or frocks? how about mannequin heads with lips painted red? well, i've got those over on eBay. woo. so for all your cyber monday shopping, now you've got no excuse. pic: how to chic

the aftermath

Friday, November 25, 2016

yep. this is pretty much it. me after all the full-bellied thanksgivingness. if at all possible, i would just do this all day and stay in bed, okie doke-ay? but if truth be told, and i'm being completely and totally honest with you, i'll be binge watching gilmore girls and then probably the next day (and the whole weekend) on srsly heavy repeat too.  photo: flickr


Thursday, November 24, 2016

do you hear that, are you reading that, little tummy o' mine? 'cause that's gonna be you and me come turkey time. so no telling me that you're close to getting full 'cause we need to follow the day's one rule: stuff, stuff and re-stuff (y)our face. i'm talkin' turkey, mashed potatoes + gravy, pie and stuffin'. preferably pumpkin. the pie, not the stuffin'.  photo: imgfave

long hair do care

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Rachel Levit via Revista Código. Etsy Shop Artists on tumblrRachel Levit via Revista Código. Etsy Shop Artists on tumblrRachel Levit via Revista Código. Etsy Shop Artists on tumblrRachel Levit via Revista Código. Etsy Shop Artists on tumblrRachel Levit via Revista Código. Etsy Shop Artists on tumblrRachel Levit via Revista Código. Etsy Shop Artists on tumblr
guys. for as long as i've been suffering growing my hair out, i can clearly say and state that i do care about the length. maybe a wee bit too much. but coming from a girl that has worn a pixie for pretty much every one of her formative years, having the ability to wear a high pony in her hair is a really, really big deal. so i've decided (and promised to myself) that i'm going to look to this post any time the ghost of that short-haired girl resurfaces with shiny silvery shears. GIF: google.

bra bra sis boom bah

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

photo sources (left to right): one, two, three, four, five, six.

when you're itsy bitsy, teeny tiny, itty bitty and small-chested like i happen to be, you kind of don't see a bra's necessity. there have been many more times than not that i've gone completely and totally sans bra. but now i've got this new obsession with wanting to wear black lacy ones that are oh so delicate with nothing but white tees so out they can peek. in the world of fashion, i know this is NOTHING new, but i kinda sorta really like (at least the theory and idea of) it, i do.

hand it over

Monday, November 21, 2016

here it be. me getting all personal and confessing. i'm not big into accessories. i know, right? what's wrong with me? that's not true, actually. it comes in waves with me. first, everything big and statement-y (just think this year's gucci) and then it always settles in to wearing, well, nothin'. so for the new year, i've decided that i am a minimalist. one ring or one bracelet. but never together. don't want to overwhelm my delicate accessory psyche or wrist. so i thought i'd start with this coyote negro series no.2 from melissa hernández, my new jewelry and all accessories boo. photos source: miss moss

in with the new

Sunday, November 20, 2016

photo sources (left to right): onetwo, three, fourfive, six.

okay guys. so here it is. i'm starting all over again. right now, from this here beginning. and i've decided that my blogging from now on will entail longer descriptions and'll be much more personal in detail. i'm excited, i'm scared, i'm nervous and kind of happy and a wee bit giddy. but most of all, i'm ready. so so ready. so - out with the old + in with the new. woo.

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